Thursday, November 28, 2019

Giving Thanks

This is something I normally write in my personal journal than online.  So please bear with me. 

One year ago, I had made up my mind.  I wanted to host my very first Friendsgiving in my forever home.  Things did not work out as planned, but I am still thankful.  I am thankful for the following things:

My family:
My son is taking big steps in his life. He is in Masters' Program and I couldn’t be any happier. My sisters, although they mean well, will annoy my soul every chance they get.  I thank my aunties and my mom for teaching me about hard work.  (Yeah, I was paying attention.)

My tribe: 
I am thankful and grateful for my hunny bunny, Ambassador Eddie and the cast of characters that makes up my tribe.  From all the people that I have met in my walk, I learn from each one of you and I hope that I have made a positive impact.  

My business crew:
From the people that I've met through my 13 years at the PTO, My WOTR crew, to my event management crew, Miss Connie, and to all the others that have supported me and all of my business ventures all these years.  You are the ones that keep me going.  

My life has been blessed with knowledge and overcoming the fears of life. I am thankful for a new job, a new look on love, and the pursuit of happiness. I’ve had some failures along the way, but I am still here. 

I am thankful, humble, and still on the grind.